Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

House of Mergie - Aberdeenshire

House Of Mergie
House of Mergie

A probably 17th century mansion, three storeys high and harled, with an apparently later stair-wing projecting centrally southwards. Corbelled out of the centre of the north front is a stair-tower with very small windows or shot-holes filled in and harled over. Originally the mansion of a large estate 'The Stone-house of Mergie' is on record in 1590, with 'the fortalice thereof' (Tranter 1962-70).


Associatedwith Mergie house (a listed building of 17th century date) there are a number of garden features, some of which may date to the early 18th century. A walled terrace extends along the S-facing slope 60m SW of the house, and at either end of the terrace there is a two-storeyed garden house. A walled garden on the slope 110m NNW of the house has a chamfer-arised gateway.

Mergie - Taken-from-the-garden
Mergie - set in beautiful grounds
Mergie Garden Structure
Mergie Garden Structure

Added: 30 Sep 2012 Updated: 07 Apr 2019
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